The adjectives I used to describe my object were 'trying,' 'animalistic,' and 'blueish.' By suspending the parts of the bicycle in a matrix of chicken wire, I wanted to convey that the bike was
trying to climb upwards, while the wire was
trying (testing) the bike.

The "GET AWAY from this CHICK'N WIIIRE" sign is from before I started reconstructing the object; I used it to defend my materials when I abandoned them in the studio. I included it in the piece as a reference to the notion of 'past' - a past where the object in its final arrangement didn't exist - as an acknowledgment of the collaborative nature of the "Exquisite Object," adding a sense of self-awareness. The sign also makes the wire seem more of a menace, which it totally is to the bike. Damn, chick'n wiiire.
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